Gouldian Finches for Sale
Posted by Gress (EAST BRANXTON, NSW) on 20-Feb-24 02:15 PM AEST
To reply to this advertisement email gressmichael_byrnes@hotmail.com
Australian Yellows Breed by pairing Coloured to Split
Red, Black and Yellow headed Pairs A pair is 1x coloured & 1x split $100 a pair
Splits Red, Black & Yellow headed Pairs $50 a pair & Cocks $25 each.
White Breasted
Red & Black headed Pairs $60 Cocks $30
Red & Black Headed Pairs $50 a pair. Cocks $20 each.
Australian Recessive Dilutes Breed pairing Coloured to Split
Red headed Pairs $300 A pair is 1x coloured & 1x split Coloured Hens $250 each
All breed in outside aviaries.
Can freight at buyers expense.
Ph 02 49381540 Michael