Bristlenose 10 for $20, Adult males $30, Guppies 20 for $20, and three 5 foot tanks $300, 3 smaller tanks $250
Posted by Dream2 (Concord West, NSW) on 11-Jan-25 09:54 PM AEST
To reply to this advertisement email sundar_mahtani@hotmail.com
Bristlenose 10 for $20, Adult males $30, Guppies 20 for $20, and three 5 foot tanks $300, 3 smaller tanks $250
Male adult common bristle nose $30 or 2 for $50
(breeding pairs and fry available if purchasing fish tanks.)
10 common bristlenose, 3 cm average $20.
8 common bristlenose, 3.5 cm average $20
20 Guppies (fry with few adults) $20
2 people to carry fish tanks.
(Please read the full ad.)
One individual fish tank, sliding lids, 18 inches X18 inches X18 inches with undergravel filter and gravel. $100.
One individual fish tank 18 inches X18 inches X 5 feet with undergravel filter and gravel. $100.
3 Fish tanks 18 inches X18 inches X18 inches with undergravel filters and gravel $250
3 fish tanks 18 inches X18 inches X 5 feet with undergravel filter and gravel, $300
3 fish tanks, sliding lids: 18 inches X18 inches X5 feet
3 fish tanks, sliding lids: 18 inches X18 inches X18 inches
All with under gravel and plastic filters (gravel included)
2 pairs of breeding common bristlenose
For more information on the tank set up, please text to arrange time to talk.
Also considering selling full set up for $3000 ONO (12 tanks and about $2000 of adult common and albino bristle nose).
SMS/TEXT 0403 517 196
Please do not ring, email or message, other than text message. Can ring after texting.
Fixed prices
No holding.
Minimum purchase $20 (cash)
Pick up only
Fish netted randomly, no obligation to buy
No other fish available for sale
Photos of most fish available if you search the net.
Selling to serious buyers (I get too many hagglers, time wasters etc.)