2 x TSN, 2 x Albino Pacu & 1 wild GG
Posted by RiverMonster (Adelaide, SA) on 29-Jan-25 09:03 PM AEST
To reply to this advertisement email rivermonster498@gmail.com
I have a few fish available, I bought these last year and theyre all feeding well and healthy. Unfortunately I need to buy another car so these have to be let go for less than I paid - my loss is your gain.
Negotiable for multiple purchases or a bundle deal. Message me your offers I wont be offended.
2 x TSN $1600 each
1 x Wild type grey giant gourami $800
2 x Albino Pacu $600 each
Flexible if you want them all.
Pickup is in ADELAIDE South Australia. freight might be available at your expense.
Photos used for discretion obviously.
These will grow into HUGE fish - make sure you have an appropriately large tank/s or ponds please.
Gar pnt ray stingray monster huge exotic bichir